"That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, Art the Most High over all the earth.
Psalm‬ ‭83‬:‭18‬"

About Us

The philosophy of OneHope International is based on the undeniable reality that every human being is a unique individual entitled to a decent life and some appreciable level of respect for their dignity. OneHope International identifies needs of every child.

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Our Goals and Vision

OneHope International has an unwavering goal of improving the quality of life the orphans through provision of education and psychosocial support programs.


To transform the lives of marginalized people especially the totally abandoned children resulting from challenging health conditions, divorce, family feuds, acute financial challenges.


Equality for all: God made all people equal; our institution is committed to a development process that promotes equality for all humans regardless of religion, sex, color and ethnicity.

Rights and dignity for all: OneHope believes in and strives to uphold the rights and dignity of all people irrespective of geographical location.
Stewardship: OneHope International believes in the proper exploitation of the natural and human resources in accordance with God’s Law and the constitutional laws of it geographical location. Institutional Collaboration in development: OneHope welcomes and respects ongoing International initiatives and national policies to take care and give support to vulnerable children and disadvantaged people, fight poverty, ignorance and diseases such as Malaria, Immunizable diseases and HIV/AIDS. Our activities will be in collaboration with other stakeholders.
The Christian responsibility:the Christian solution for this tragedy is to give the orphaned children the good news they really long to hear - the gospel of adoption.

The good news is not just the fact that this institution will adopt and love them, but also the good news that Jesus Christ died on the cross to make it possible for them to become adopted children of God.

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